We Need To Be Outspoken About Racism

Published: 2nd June 2020 | Author: Kate Howes

things   need   to   change

It is time to start being very vocal when challenged with great injustice, racism, and hate. On a personal, professional, and business level.

Our business revolves around people, talented, individually unique, brilliant people of all races and nationalities. They are all equal and have the right to be treated so. The fact that such gross, mass inequality and the ongoing persecution of people of colour is still happening in front of our eyes, and right now, notably in the USA, but also in every corner of the world – it is an atrocious injustice.

We do not feel comfortable not speaking out on this matter. We are standing, not just today, but always, as allies to people of colour. Whilst we understand that we will never understand, we stand with you.

We will continue to educate ourselves, and those around us. We will confront hate, racism, and oppression when it is encountered. Everybody needs to make the effort to have these discussions, even if they feel uncomfortable at times.

Importantly, we need to keep discussing it, keep the energy, keep the fight for equality and justice going – every single day.

A   couple   of   quick,   visual,  educational   reads

Places   to   Donate   (US  &  UK) 


“it    is    not    enough    to   be    not    racist,    you    must    actively    be    anti-racist”  –   Angela   Davis


If anybody is aware of any more local (East Anglian in particular) anti-racism charitable organisations, we would be grateful to hear about these.

(You can find the artist of the Desmond Tutu quote artwork here. All proceeds of sold artwork will go to Black Lives Matter organisations)